The annual EU BON General Meeting was successfully held from 1 to 4 June 2015 at the Clare College Conferencing, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
The meeting was attended by a total of 85 participants with various organizational background and relation to EU BON. Among these were almost all EU BON alongside representatives of eight associate partners and many guests.
Participants at the EU BON General Meeting, 2015; Credit: Dirk Schmeller
One of the highlights of the meeting was its very start with three inspiring keynote speakers.
Among these, Bill Sutherland from the University of Cambridge started off to give an interesting speech about the progress and future plans on combining Biodiversity science and policy. Second was Gary Geller from the GEO secretariat who talked about GEO, GEOSS and GEO BON, its vision and goals.
Later on, Johannes Peterseil from LTER-Europe shared some interesting thoughts about linking ecosystem research and earth observation through the cooperation between LTER-Europe and EU BON.
During the meeting other relevant projects were also introduced to all participants. These were DataOne and Species 2000/Catalogue of Life and two new EU projects Ecopotential and Globis-B.
The General Meeting included six thematic sessions on highly relevant EU BON topics, followed by many cross-task modules which led to better cooperation and communication between work packages and tasks. The exchange of experience gave new input to all work packages and set the milestones for the work ahead.
Presentations from the meeting will be uploaded shortly.
AGENDA - EU BON 3rd General Assembly
Keynote speakers:
W.Sutherland - Biodiversity science and policy
J.Peterseil - Linking ecosystem research and earth observation
Other projects:
C.Flann - Species 2000 Catalogue of Life
EU BON presentations:
C.Haeuser - EU BON core elements for an integrated biodiversity information system
U.Koljalg - Data mobilization strategy and show case
H.Saarenmaa - European biodiversity portal
Y.Gavish - Developing EU BON's site-specific portal
E.Regan - Stakeholder requirements
I.Geijzendorffer - Context of EU BON
Selection of pictures from the meeting: